For those that follow my
Flickr, you'll have noticed some additions in December. I'm the new Assistant Fashion Editor for
Avenue Magazine working with Rusch Raymaker and crew on one of the best publications in SL©. If you haven't checked out the magazine, what are you waiting for?
I have a monthly column, "Fun with Fashion" offering styling tips, mash-ups, SLURLs and tricks of the trade. Pretty much a syndication of my blog style. In December, I shared my love of Armidi's Journey tweed slacks. I bought one pair in black and the other in a golden bronze. The two looks turned out quite differently, showing the versatility of a great pant. At the time, wasn't open and at $175 L each you have no excuse to pick up these slacks.
Here's and excerpt from the
column (p. 124):
"Who here loves fashion? If so, raise your hand. /Me raises both arms excitedly! If you didn’t raise your hand, let’s ask why. Does fashion scare you a little? Are you stuck in a creative rut? When you TP to the hottest fashion show, is someone else wearing your outfit?
Well, let’s be honest. Even the hottest pixels on the grid get a little scared when styling looks for a go-see, interview or party. I think we can all admit to asking for help from our friends. Any of you that read my blog, Love & Fashion, will probably note that I hit some creative ruts, as evidenced by my lack of posts. And, I personally know of at least TEN top models in Second Life® who have shown up at an event in the exact same outfit."

Military Charm -
Hair - Kin Trish in White
Skin - Blowpop Honey Aden Black 1
Lashes -Cake Bedroom
Eyes - MMS Turquoise (No Longer For Sale)
Belt -
Mezzo - Jaguar Ribbon Chain Belt in Gold
Shirt - Amodica Lookr - Vain Inc. 1 Year Goodiebag Gift - Red and Black Shirt
Gloves - Cachet - Red
Scarf - Stitch by Stitch Pandora Scarf (From Outfit)
Coat - Muism Military Coat in Black (Prim bottom not worn)
Pants - Gisaci - Journey Tweed Slacks in Black
Shoes - Kookie - Natasha in Tartan

Gilded Glamour-
Hair - Tekuteku - Wing in Redbrown
Skin - Blowpop - Tuesday Honey in Aden Black #2
Lashes - Cake - Bedroom
Eyes - MMS Turquoise (No Longer For Sale)
Shirt -
So Many Styles - Pattern Shirt in Orange (From Outfit)
Corset - Paper Couture - Divinchi (From Outfit)
Pants - Gisaci - Journey Tweed Slacks in Golden Bronze
Stockings - bijou - Gold
Shoe - Shiny Things - Tuli Pumps Brown with Color Change Gold Bows
Bag - Baiastice - Mini in Gold (Free Hunt Gift)
Earring - Dela - Dianni in Gold
Scarf - Barerose - Donna in Brown (From Outfit)